Healthy Living Counseling Center

Claire Foss, LCSW

Dr. Michelle Kukla

Dr. Michelle Kukla

Founder of Healthy Living Counseling Center


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About Claire Foss, LCSW and her independently owned and operated private practice: IMG_1814

Individual, Couples and Family Psychotherapy with children, adolescents and adults (ages 10 years old through Seniors) Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Claire Foss earned her Master’s in Clinical Social Work from Loyola University Chicago in 2010 and her undergraduate studies in Psychology from University of Denver in 2002. Claire started her career working with children and adolescents in settings including, children’s hospitals, residential treatment centers and outpatient clinics before moving on to the Veterans Administration to work with our Veterans.

Claire has spent the past 8 years working with Veterans suffering from PTSD and Depression, as well as, their families. She specializes in the treatment of trauma including: sexual, physical, psychological and combat related, as well as, anxiety and depression. She assists clients in understanding the connection between thoughts and feelings, as well as, identifying patterns of thinking that might be keeping clients “stuck” and get in the way of recovery from symptoms of PTSD and other issues.

Claire treats individuals, couples and families using a combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT). Areas of Specialty:

Trauma and Recovery
Family Therapy
Behavior Modification
Marital Distress

Claire Foss, LCSW accepts Private Pay and is currently in network with the following insurance companies:


Please call or email Claire to schedule an appointment:

Phone: 214-923-7572


There is help!

1 in 4 people will experience a mental health issue in a given year.

(National Institute of Mental Health, NIMH).